Monday, October 04, 2004

October weekend

On Saturday I planned to do dance tango and taste some Argentianian food. Instead, I went to NCSU homecoming football game and tasted Bojangles fried chicken (like KFC) and attempted to dance to the Wolfpack song (failed).

For all those who object that I am a traitor to VaTech, pray, no worries. VT games are way much more fun because we shake our keys on 3rd down, and we dance when the Marching Virginians are playing. The only cool thing at this game was that 99% of the stadium was red (school color)...Tech's games are kinda weird bi-colored...anyway, at Wolfpack game, expect to sit at time outs!

I digress...I did down a big bottle of smirnoff ice (before 11am) and managed to walk to the stadium without any help. And of course, I attracted this tall young black male who turned out to be an undercover cop suspicious of my age. I showed him off with my ID...

Apart from that, a pretty uneventfull weekend, with mild temperature and headache.

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