Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The end of Swiss summer?

Before the summer windly whiskes away and leaves me with autumn chills and melancholy, here's a quick view of where I spent most of it, if not by the pool and lake. I had a couple of visitors, and the regular white sox cat and millions of pigeons dirtying the place with their feathers and crap...lovely

All in all it was a summer worth the move...I am only hoping the tomatoes, melon and pumpkin will bear fruit to reward me with my hard labor....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sore thumb and more

I am almost finished on page 1 of this piece (Hanabi), and realizing I will need the full 88 keys of a piano to complete the piece. I only have 64 keys on mine..yiikes!!

By the way, my heart fluttered slightly for the past 4 days. It makes me smile but makes me sad at the same time. However I am glad it is still able to beat faster on occasions: running 10min, rowing 5min, biking 5min...:)

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Swiss 'Fete Nationale'

Today is a national day. Fireworks have been noisily fired all day, even in the residential areas. Private fireworks have been forbidden due to the recent drought. However today, it is raining.

I have confined myself to the studio, studying and fighting against all the distractions the place offer. Trepidations before an hour exam, constant doubts about its success. Am I reduced to this?