Thursday, June 24, 2004

That Viagra commercial

Have you noticed that Viagra commercial yet? The one which features the song by Queens: "We are the Champions"....very appropriate.
I realized men are so lucky to have their problems solved by a litle pill. A man's ego is summarized in that litle magic. In contrast I have trouble deciding what to eat, or when to eat, what to wear, be friedly while PMS-ing, why is he not calling, what card to send to my friends today,my tighs are too big, are my eybrows symmetric, ...and the list never ends.
Of course, you can always argue I watch too much TV, and I agree totally.

So for all the women out there who haven't found the perfect commercial to solve their problems, I say:
CHEERS, for without us there won't be trade. No GAP, or Victoria Secrets, no sunless tanning lotions, no huge diamond on a ring, and no bikini's....

Oh, and by the way, the razor commercial (Venus) is not comparable to the viagra...

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Note to self

This is to remind myself of who was where...and when

Cornelia, Ati, Zohal, Ghada, Jen, Mischa, Pankaj, Ragy, Paul

Fernando, Carolina, Cornelia, Ati, Zohal, Ghada, Jen, Mischa, Pankaj, Ragy

Fernando, Carolina, Cornelia, Ati,Zohal,Ghada, Jen,Mischa, Pankaj, Ragy, Nancy, Usha, Jeff

Fernando, Carolina, Cornelia, Ati, Jen, Johan, Mischa, Pankaj, Ragy, John, Kezang, Enrique, Hussein

Enrique, Alan, Simon, Paul, Peter, Fernando, Mischa, Ragy, Cornelia, Carolina, Anne-Lise,Jackie, Nancy, Ati, Jen, Ali, Pankaj, Cynthia,Valerie, Belen, Jens, Andreas, Hussein, Johan

Ramy, Ragy, Andreas, Adanna, Joanne, Robert, Adrian, Katie, Emma, Mischa, Hussein, Dave, Ali, Jen, Cornelia

Ramy, Jacob, Alex,Hussein, Dave, Fernando

Stephane, Hanita, Guillaume, Kurt, Johan

Caroline, Fred, Mischa, Hussein

Caroline, Fred, Mischa, Hussein

After Sun shout Out

You think this is insignificant, but there is a market for After Sun lotion. When you go to the grocery store, all you see is sun block and sunless tanning lotions. Then hidden in the middle of somewhere (pads and toothpaste, you might find one botle of after sun lotion.
Agreed, you just need something with Aloe Vera and mint or anything soothing after sun. But you know, creating a label that says After Sun might actually prompt people to use some soothing lotions, hence increase sales..but then again, whatever ...I'm no marketing guru here! Just looking for a choice of After Sun Lotion!

Monday, June 14, 2004

England-France UEFA cup showdown

So I didn't want to go out and watch a soccer game on a flat screen TV. Instead I listened to the game commentaries online with BBC 5 live and RFI..yes, it's possible and I was suprised to find them so easily. As for visual cues, the UEFA website actually has a play by play text description...amazing. Switching back and forth between the English and French commentaries was pretty funny. English bloke was real excited and screaming on top of his lungs when Lampart scored...I missed it but I caught the 'instant replay' from his voice....well, at least the English fans are way loud and bring out that warm atmosphere of...well, beer, sweat and whatever..
Anyway, had a live reaction from my dear friend in Montreal (AP) when Zizou scored in the last minutes....I kinda was wishing for a tied game but hey, things happen! I didnt have any of the fan shirt so it was pretty cozy in my PJs...uh huh..

The next big game for me is Denmark and Italy...I dont like to watch soccer, i like to listen to the comments and hear the fans...If I watch on TV, I root for the team with the most cute guys...after all, they're more than athletes, they are fashion models!..well, they became as such after aligning their teeth, shaved some extra hair (hmm some forgot about that), and learned to talk in front of a camera....but hey, thats' another story (peer pressure).

So, that was Sunday the 13th, and I'm looking forward for some beautiful european gents to make the US news tonite...Until then, cheers and bonne chance les bleus!

Saturday, June 12, 2004


Le college, le lycée avec les copines....
Petite capitale au bord du Tanganyika
Ou l'on a appris le tennis et la piscine
Ou le ciel est bleu et le goudron est bien chaud
Et les nuits sont reposantes ou dansantes chez Calo

Adolescence, nouveau né
Lieu de mes premiers soucis à l'âge ingrat
Calme et petit havre de paix près de Gatoke
Premiere maison de notre cher frère Andry
Enveloppe d'amour et de chaleur dès son plus jeune age

Poussière, aube, safari
L'Afrique centrale est bien riche en paysage
Dar-Es-Salam avec ses palais orientaux et ses plages
Les herbes hautes du cratère du Ngorongoro
Vu au prix de réveil le matin tres tot
Les giraffes, lions, hippopotames et hyènes nous sourient

Vacances, desertique, moderne
Lieu insoupçonable ou la pluie est 'money'
Ou le bush est dense et les batiments modernes
D'ou l'on visite Nata, Francistown, Victoria Falls et Harare
Au prix de longues conduites en ligne droite vers le Zimbabwe

Shopping, Sud, meshoui
D'ou l'on s'échappe pour les courses à Mabatho ou Sandton
A deux jours de voiture de Capetown, Simonstown et les pingouins
Balayé de vents froid prouvant que l'Antarctique n'est pas bien loin
Ou certains se gavent de billtongs et d'agneau rotis!!!

Evènements, sports, talents
ou j'ai raté les Davis cup et football pres du Notwane
Bien rapportés par cette pétulante Mialy
Ou les oeuvres de Tojo font la joie de la famille
Et ou le Bull and Bush est presque toujours plein de gens.

A tous ceux qui se reconnaisent, je vous aime et vous salue.

Music of the night

Forget Outkast and Usher or Beyonce. When it comes to great karaoke night in the room, the best is the Cranberries or Abba...always keeps the atmosphere going... Try Def Leopard (Pour some sugar on me) for rock & roll. What else to help you dry up and put up that make up? Well, your spirit has to be UP !

When you're ready to get to more sophisticated lyrics, get to serious business with these charts and start warming up for that wild night out:
-Black Eyed Peas (Hey Mama)
-Outkast (Hey Ya)
-Beyonce (Baby boy)
-Sean paul (Get busy)

Anything happy will do and shake that tail feather!

What is this?

This would be my first posting in the diary section. A small explanation maybe for the person who happens to stumble on this. This is where I post my sarcastic and critical comments on everything, from movies, music of the day, my current downloads, or favorite bookmarks.

Making a diary is such a pain sometimes because there are days where nothing exciting happens...But i'll express that frustration here too. You can always respond to my comments by email...somewhere in this site.....