This is certainly not a title I thought I would write so soon (or so late). But around me, people live their complicated life and I get to see the spilling of renewed happiness, bitter betrayal, sheer helplessness of others. Couple A split up after at least 7 years together. Another couple B split up after miss X met up with her first love at a class reunion, thus having to juggle the new boyfriend, a new job and her two kids, wile mr Y is coming to grasp with the concept of single Dad. Meanwhile, couple C is happily ( I think) nursing their newly daughter. All of them I consider good friends.
I know I shouldn't worry too much about their lives, given that somehow it makes me feel I have no life of my own worrying about them. But I realized they all have a right to their own happiness too and probably struggling to regain that happy moment in time when everything seemed to go according to the plan.
Watching how hard it is to fight for yourself yet care for the kids, I now can understand the sacrifices every parent make for their child. I also learned how painful it is not to point the finger and put the blame on someone, to hold your ground against the general opinion. I have lost a black and white world and I am not happy about it at all because it is not clear where my trust can be given.
At this point though, I probably and finally can appreciate my parents' work and decisions. And no matter how hard I try, I feel my love for them will not be enough to express that appreciation.
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