Thursday, May 05, 2005

Did you say heavy sleep?

Wake up! wake up! much for that. I woke up one morning, went to the bathroom and discovered (gasp!) everything was soaked, drenched: the toilet rug, the bathtub rug...That sure woke me up..
Then later that evening my dear sister told me the story. She had to wake up so early that her system didn't agree too much with that. So while she attempted to take a shower, her sleepy head was still in a world of cotton clouds and warm bedsheets. When she turned around, she saw the whole bathroom, which should have been blocked by the (arghhh!) shower curtain...How a sleepy head can do tricks to you.
So she tried to twist the rugs to get the water out of them....good idea right? Well, trouble was...she did it outside, on the bathroom floor, not in the now the floor was soaked..LOL
Anyway, since the weather is gloomy and the sun is not sharing its beautiful warm rays with us, those bath rugs are still trying to dry the living room...

So wake up! wake up!

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