Monday, May 09, 2005

Pick up (bus) lines

So I was late for work, and ran fo the bus. Breathless, I got in, after noticing that the hanidcapped, limping, bearded guy on our floor is going to campus. He sat in his usual chair (reserved for disabled) next to the conductor, and I strolled passed, towards the middle of the bus (my favourite seat).

The bus was early so it waited at the station. I just glanced sullenly in front of me, trying to remeber what was I supposed to do in my morning project. My right eye corner vision caught some movement, and sure enough, here he was, limping towards me (of course, who else?) arghhh tough luck.

I was polite, except he said something I did not understand. So I mde him repeat it 5 times..yes, 5 times..then I realized he was saying something like:
I just wanted to say that you look sexy with you hair back and your jeans"...WOW, well, take that for a morning horny dude...

The very annoyed person in my head said:
"and what about my top? Or were you just staring at my butt?"

I said I was polite, so I said (flashing my teeth and all):
" Thank you, that's sweet"
Now I hope the ppor guy does not get the wrong idea.

Why can't the cute guy living next door to Josh say that? Well, I need to sneak up on him when he does his laundry...

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