Is it too late for a philosophy lecture? I guess I have never thought about it this way. And yet it is so true. When I am busy acquiring and spending money, more tendency to spend I admit, I have never understood that truth. Is that why monks prefer to live on donations? to rely on human kindness, pity?
As I try to plan for the tomorrows to come, I need money. It feels money is easier to gain. I am not good at gaining people's loyalty. Yet I know I am indebted to different friends. Or does debt void the friendship relationship? If you think about it, friends shouldn't be tied by debt. There are people whose goal is to build empires, acquire companies, accumulate vast amount of money. There are those who aim to defend their families, protect their loves ones. And everyone is in both situations really.
Am I defeated because the reality is too harsh? NO. Because I still have the memory of the quiet silent mornings cuddled with loved one, the smiles of my dear family, and moments of discovering beautiful feelings, amazing people and ones I could call friends.
I am glad I encountered that quote. Being naive has it's benefit. But being aware is better.
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