Thursday, April 07, 2011

sniff, arghh, scratch, atchoum...pouet!

It's that time of the year, when suddenly a ray of sun catches my pupils and make me sneeze. Like a long learned automatism, my eyes tear up, my nose itches and the inside of my throat starts to tingle. Every single breath of air becomes stuffy with flying bugs, pollens, dust, birds feathers, unidentified particules and and flowery fragrance.

After blowing my nose, scratching my throat with my tongue and picking my ears, it is too late to realize it was done in public. The weather is warming up so that is why it it best to stay on the move by walking, and avoid the public transports where loudly blowing your nose is only attracting attention to you condition.

A superb idea dawned on me today when I entered a pharmacy and asked for eye drops. She offered some and also some allergy medicine (which I already have). I bought them all to stock up for the season and hopefully I will have a scratch-free evening tonight.

pouet!! I somewhow manage to add my own fragrance to the world...

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