Thursday, October 05, 2006

To be underestimated is...

- to be able to go about without effort and not being bothered by other people screaming after you to try harder...
- to be praised as soon as you do a little bit more than they expected
- knowing you can do more but just decided people around you do not deserve to see the best of you
- to never be blamed when you try something and you fail. You're disapointed at yourself but dont have to deal with everyone else being dissapointed at you.
- to be invisible when people discuss 'important' things. They think you are nothing and your presence or abscense doesn't really matter because you cannot possibly understand or be concerned about what they are dealing with. This is probably what most spies are counting on.
- to quiety suggest something and the others think it is their idea...and really, you wanted them to think that way anyway...most women can do this...if guys notice it, they call it manipulation:)

I am sure there are more but I am a bit tired and I don't want to give away some thousands year old secrets...


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm - I will keep a close eye on you from now on Pandawan.... you truly are turning to the dark side. You will bring about the fall of AP ... hold on - this dark side thing has its merits - how do I join?....

Anonymous said...

Hum, yes, I see and agree with most of your "points" ... that is, except the last one ! I hate when I introduce an idea, and people around (usually male) do not really listen 'cause I'm a girl (and French, so I can't possibily understand German !). ...and then, a few minutes later, they come up with a great idea, which is, you guessed, the original one the French girl suggested! This makes me want to kill those guys ;-)

Anonymous said...

Tout pareil !

Le pire étant lorsque je propose une idée, que mes collègues masculins trouvent idiotes, forcément, je ne suis qu'une pauvre femme qui ne peut pas comprendre. Et 5min aprés l'un d'eux propose la même chose, mais entre temps, c'est devenu une idée merveilleuse ...