Thursday, June 21, 2007


Ah so today is/was the longest day of the year. I cannot say it is a hot summer day. It is London after all and temperature did not exceed 10C according to my skin sensors. The fact that I was indoors all day (next to the ladies' toilet) may account for the discrepancies (yahoo widgets reporting a max of 19C, yeah right). Where to start?
-My feet hurt: I have been standing most of the day, trying not to lock my jaws into a yawning rictus. Working an industry fair is tough, and the freebies I manage to collect are not worth it (best this year is 2 orange mugs and a frisbee). And the guys that work in broaadcast are not hot. Trust me, we don't see any cute presenters parading in front of us. They must have their own show/fair, like beautiful-people-only club or something because we don't have our fare of those..
-'My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to DIE'..yeah, I feel like watching that movie ..again....and having a talk along show..hehehe...
-Belive it or not, I seem to have lost some armlets since last septemeber, because I now fit into my work polos without cutting the circulation from my fingers to my heart...muahahaha...
-I look forward a mini ex Main Campbell reunion this saturday.
-And I can't wait till I eat the food at Taste London, even if the weather forecast is crap crap crap...Maybe I will wear my Wellington rainboots and will be first at every booth..yay...sounds like a plan.
-I haven't eaten home since last week. I got sick, collected chicken soup and now what's in the fridge is lettuce and rocket salad..ugh

I am getting back to my Discworld novels...I am 37% geek after all, which is very strange because...sigh....alright, I am home on summer solstice...mind you I wanted to go to Stonehenge too but you know how it is, time just flew by and I forgot to make arrangements to get out there...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How was the food ????