Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy new Year!

Ah yes the long awaited new that it is here, nothing much has changed though, so it is up to me (and all of you there, yes you! you!) to make change happen.

I am sticking to my new resolutions (okay, the ones I had last year too). I have managed to stop eating between meals, and I don't jump on snacks or croissant or sugar fix like a famished beggar anymore. Instead I painfully peel an orange and feed myself with its sticky juice.

I also discovered the joys and pains of wii. Santa Claus managed to reward our office with a wii for Christmas, so in addition to the table football, we now can play tennis, bowling, golf and boxing in the comfort of our 7th floor kitchen. I was KO by my teammate yesterday and believe me, my arms are still sore from that 5 minute match!

I will keep on swiming, and eating healthy, and hopefully will stop eating my nails along the way....add in to that the fact that i am looking for a flat for mid-february!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you too !!!! And courage for your new and old resolutions :-)