Tuesday, August 15, 2006

CSI: Completely socially incapacitated

Ah yes I spent my evenings watching CSI for the past 2 days. I did miss watching it on TNT and Fox with all those Pizza Hut and Wendy's commercials..heheheh. But now I'm up to date and I can't wait for the next season. My social skills aren't improving and I suprise myself in preferring to stay indoors and watch a serie than go clubbing...yikes! am getting old!

Which reminds me: I need to train for the freaking 10k coming up in October.

I also suprise myself in not being worried about all the news at the moment. Maybe because I don't care anymore, or just because it really doesn't concern me for now. I'd pay attention to it if I was travelling...being self centered really does help not being worried to much and enjoy life as much as I can.:)

My cousin asked why I was working all the time. He's right, I need a holiday! I'm just trying to afford it so that I won't worry so much about how much would be left in the bank (if anything). Which reminds me of that dissertation I had to write in high school (philosophy class):' what is work and why do we work?' ...What i never understand is why they ask that kind of question to 15 year old kids whose only jobs were probably to wash the car, wait tables (with variable amount of clothes) and do other people's homeworks...ahem. How can you write a 4 page paper if all you can find is ' i do it for the money'? At least now I can add ' and also to kill some time otherwise I'll be so bored'...


Anonymous said...

Our lives sucks ! I also need a real holliday (one week with the house full of friends and family was not exactly what I needed to get some rest ! At least we had a lot of fun (thing I don't get in Austria either !!)) ...

Anonymous said...

C'est trop trop bien CSI !! Je te conseille aussi CSI NY ... Par contre CSI Miami n'est pas top, sauf si tu fais le jeux du CSI Miami...

Anonymous said...

Je viens de trouver la régle du jeu, c'est en anglais, je n'ai pas trouvé la vf, mais ça ne devrait déranger personne ici ;).

"CSI Miami drinking game" aka "the David Caruso Drinking Game":

Get your favorite beer ready. (We thought about playing this with hard liquor, but that would be begging for alcohol poisoning before the first commercial break, so beer is the drink of choice for the Caruso.)

1. Drink a sip every time someone calls him "H" not "Horatio"

2. Take one swig every time H places his arms akimbo (on his hips).

3. Take two swigs when Horatio takes his sunglasses off for dramatic effect.

4. Likewise, take two swigs when Horatio puts his sunglasses on for dramatic effect.

5. Take three gulps when H wears a dark blazer in the middle of an investigation. (Hello, pastels…this is hot and humid Miami…Crockett and Tubbs land, remember).

6. Drink for four counts when he addresses Jonathan Togo's character as “Mr. Wolfe.”

7. Drink for five counts when he’s talking and his head is tilted at a 45-degree angle. (Don’t forget to add another count if he has his arms akimbo at the same time.)

8. Drink for six counts when the camera films him entering the scene from a low angle for dramatic effect. Some games refer to this as the "Horatio-as-Christ" shot. (Is this because he’s short? IMDB lists him as 5’11.”)

9. Drink for seven if you ever see him smile. (This is extremely rare, but it does happen on occasion.)

10. Guzzle the entire can/bottle when an incredibly hot babe hits on Horatio. Cause, really, she must have the beer goggles on. Or we should put them on in order to buy it.

Enjoy ... Je suis dispo pour faire une partir avec toi si tu veux :)

P A N D A ----P----@ said...

hahaha...moi j'aime pas trop CSI MIami a cause de Horatio justement. carrement trop 'good guy'...celuid e NY j'ai jamais reussi a le regarder en entier..trop trop enervant parce que meme les personnages ont l'air d'etre des cipires de CSi ou celui de MIami

Anonymous said...

D'où le jeu ;)