Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A special week

I am having a surreal week

Monday: Went to the free music recital in Covent Garden on Monday and really enjoyed it. Guitar and cello played some spanish and latin american music. It was full as usual and the average age was 60. We probably caught a disease in there but the music was nice. But then again we are 40 years too young, and still with our own teeth..I am mean. After that, we enjoyed the reasonably clement weather for 30min, just enough to head for a Japanese restaurant that specializes in okonomiyaki...very good stuff. It's a Japanese version of an omelette, with cabbage, onions and whatever you want int here, cooked with the love by the waitress that makes you wanna take her place because you want to play with food like her...An experience I would recommend. By the time we stuffed ourselves with okonomiyaki and green tea ice cream, it was time to walk to Oxford Street to buy some trousers, except it took us 3hours to get to H&M because we were also looking for f* me boots...ahhhh..And a big achievement (and a frustration) for me was that I bought nothing that day. Well except for food and tickets for ballet...they don't count, they're not clothes!

Tuesday: Am not sure what happened during the morning since I probably slept until I got to the eye test exam at midday. Then after being forced to read small letters, and had air blown at my pupils, I was too awake to miss some really cheap junk that I haven't even used yet...paint brushes, Christmas cards, backgammon travel set (how many of these do I buy? and where did they all go?), ribbons for my future curtains (still in design at the back of my head), and more I can't rememebr becasue it is lost in my junkyard bedroom. Even dragged Hobbes home to sort out my computer problems. I have a feeling he does that a lot...being patient toward us, internet novice. Then it was time for catching up with Bambi who obviously had a fun day at work, sorting out the workflow. Hot chocolate and crisps in good companyat tea time, which flew by smoothly like cold water running on your head on a hot summer day (feels good).

Wednesday: Work was hell. My heart felt like lead, my head hurt like acid, and it was busy like a Monday. Time was sluggish and wouldn't give me a break. I finished the day longing for a comatose sleep.

Thursday: Started with the all so not healthy English breakfast (yum), and a clear head (at least I was awake). Were pushed on the main stage by puppet master ( yes we have a dictator). It allowed me to see the gallery and the stage of some news broadcasts, which are cool but oh so not glamour...but at least I went in there..yay, and without asking..I was actually asked. Later on, got to tag along to go to the newsroom where a colony of journalists cram into an open space office and work..yikes..scary but had to feel like a tourist in there. So a pretty good day considering the previous day...not to forget: Congrats to Hobbes, good luck in being my boss!

Friday: Not sure if I'll live till tomorrow, but am sure it'll be alright
Saturday: Hope the weather is sunny, I'd like to smile in the sun
Sunday: Day of the Lord, I'll try to go to Church in St say Thanks

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Buy Nothing Day

in the US, they have 'Black Friday', the day after Thanksgiving that opens the Christmas shoppign season. Hordes of people rush to the stores to spend loads of money for presents or bargains. In the UK, they have 'Buy nothing day', which is today, and it apparently started as a way to remind the business the consumer's You enter any shop and you can try, touch, play with everything, knowing that you will not buy it....and shopkeepers will have to stand you do it...Unfortunately I am working today so I cannot go out there and get tempted. It's probably better because they most probably put out so many nice and gorgeous things so that even if you went in the shops with the intention of buying nothing, you end up coming back home with bags of impulse buys...aaaaaaa, just thinking of it, I have shivers in my back (caused mainly by lack of sleep)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Surviving Monday

Some people should be neutered...

I was walking quietly back to the office when someone walking behind me moaned about the weather being a bit chilly. In this country, that means they're trying to start a conversation. And it's considered polite to respond with a nod, a smile or something like grumpy 'yeah'. So I did emit some sounds repulsive sounds, but instead of discouraging the other person, he actuyally walked past, looked at me and said:
'can you give me your telephone number?'

In my head I imagined his head self-combusting and bursting into flames, him screaming in unberable pain, and dying slowly by suffocating on his own burnt flesh and fluids...

I said:' No, it's confidential. Good day'
Seriously, how dare he sneek on me like that and ambush me with a stupid question like that???Do I go to people and ask for their phone number? The mere fact that he has to do that for me means he's not worth my phone number...geez...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I yielded to temptation yesterday by feasting on a Happy Meal in McDOnalds at the London old County Hall. There was nothing else open, and we had to get dinner one way or another before the next anime started. The 'meal' came in a colorful kiddie box, half occupied by a terrigying toy:

Without complaint, I choked on the chicken nuggets and was saved by the vanilla milkshake that tasted of my younger days. Then it was time to get kicked out of the premises at 19:00, and for a festival of weird anime series.

Elfen lied. Surely the genre is familiar: a naked female alien, with bouncy boobs and some form of horns of another on the head to differentiate her from human, lands in the care of an unsuspecting, naive young man. He is already struggling in a friendship/relationship with a human female, possibly a childhood friend. They end up living in the same house, and there are plenty of situations where the wholesome alien is naked...and slaps all over the place to punish him from being all over the alien. Really, not so much different from Lamu, Chobits ro Dears as far as I'm concerned. Just another male fantasy serie. In this one, it is made worse by the sexists dialogues and the bloody scene of chopped limbs and heads...not very enjoyable.

Next door was Yugo the negotiator. A bit of a Nicky Larson meets Cowboy Beebop. Except I like Cowboy Beebop...:) Later, it was a dark fanstasy story of travelling illusionist, writer, and unidentified woman who encounter characters that live in complete denial of their vice or past murders. The episode we saw was about this woman in a village who had an incestuous relationship with her father, and kept her litle sister in a closet while doing it...then it turned out she had complete control over her father, making him kill her mother and everything else that is in her path. She also already killer her litle sister so that she would not see her doing it with her Dad...very very sick indeed! All that with interesting graphics though, that really conveys the uneasiness or the disturbing feelings about the situation.

The last Anime was the best one so far. called Paranoia Agent, each episode is about acharacter struggling with its own mental condition. The beginning credit is very very strange and again, disturbing. The characters are all laughing, the lyrics talk about the mushroom cloud, and yes, they are laughing, and in the background the mushroom cloud erupts and seems not to affect their laughing. It is a s if the deaath and destruction that is to come has already been there, and everyone was detached from the usual feelings. In a sense, as the episodes showed, they all have some sorts of schizophrenia. One teenage boy struggles between being cool and being cruel. His cute timid teacher is fighting against her other self, called Maria who is a prostitute. Another woman, a designer, thinks her toy or plush animal can talk...all of them are very very insane, but they do show the inner voices distilled in us. Each character is legitimate and believable in their dialogues and storylines...very intersting and addictive anime.

And again we got kicked out of the building at 22:00...I wish I could go see Panda Z just for the name's sake but it is better to get back tor eality of rainy and sombre London, and pack my stuff for the upcoming flat move. Also, better food probably maked me feel happier...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hush hush

I have a tendency to fall for the guy I dream him to be instead of the guy he is.

So I'm building myself up for a dissapointment. My horoscope didn't give much good news either:
'A romantic climate will reign and your heart will be on fire. Do not make any lavish investments for the time being; it is the opportune moment to tighten your belt. Examine your various projects more closely. At work, a situation that was shaky will improve, strengthen and solidify. Improve your health by limiting your consumption of alcohol and sweets. Take care of your appearance; this could help you to positively influence others.'

Soooo I need to save money, go on a diet, and stop biting my nails...this is worse that trying to fit my priorities and life goals into a sudoku grid. And my heart is so not on fire, more like hardening...just hoping it wont get brittle and break into pieces at the slightest shock...or high cholesterol level..arghhhhh

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sooooooo cold my bladder shrank!

Autumn finally dares show its chill after our version of indian summer. So I went south, to France...hehehe..looking for stinky cheese, sweet wine, and dessert. It's cold as well though..brrr....