Saturday, November 25, 2006

Buy Nothing Day

in the US, they have 'Black Friday', the day after Thanksgiving that opens the Christmas shoppign season. Hordes of people rush to the stores to spend loads of money for presents or bargains. In the UK, they have 'Buy nothing day', which is today, and it apparently started as a way to remind the business the consumer's You enter any shop and you can try, touch, play with everything, knowing that you will not buy it....and shopkeepers will have to stand you do it...Unfortunately I am working today so I cannot go out there and get tempted. It's probably better because they most probably put out so many nice and gorgeous things so that even if you went in the shops with the intention of buying nothing, you end up coming back home with bags of impulse buys...aaaaaaa, just thinking of it, I have shivers in my back (caused mainly by lack of sleep)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

La solution pour ne rien acheter, c'est de partir sans sa carte bancaire, juste avec 2 ou 3£ en poche en cas de petites faim ;)