Friday, July 27, 2007

The world is changed by discontent men and women

«Le monde n'est qu'un égout sans fond où les phoques les plus informes rampent et se tordent sur des montagnes de fange.»
On ne badine pas avec l’amour (Alfred de Musset)

Maybe Lady Justice is not that blind, or karma is really master of this world's events. In any case, my getting a new job definetely changes my world. And those who didn't bother appreciate my good will and performances only have themselves to blame for the turn of events that leaves them short staffed and ridiculized.

A few picturesque observations on this day:
-in the tube today, the well dressed man in front of me ruined it by ferociously seeking something in between his teeth at the back of his mouth...urghh
-I could see big rats frolicking outside, down on the ground, from the 4th floor of the building where I work....Those were huge rats the size of cats.
-my friedge only contains lettuce, which is rotting miserably as i keep eating out, and drinking like a viking (not beer though) so that I am growing pimples on my back and bum...disgusting...must stop the drinking.

All in all, I only have one more issue to deal with, and quickly before I burn into a pile of ashes: He WHO Cannot Be Named...must put him out of my head and away from me ASAP. I do not trust my strength and will not be distracted further.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must stop the drinking too .... I am sick !!! :'( ... But I had to celebrate the birthday card that my grandmother sent me that said: "it's your last year of your 20's. Party every night and get drunk" .... But I give up, I want my bed .....

Grats for your new job !!!