Saturday, August 08, 2009

A new beginning?

As the days are quickly trickling by, i realize I haven't had a chance to stop and look back at what and who I am leaving behind. Now that the laptop is formatting at a snailpace, I have no excuse not to look inwards. The blue screen of death is not that captivating.
So I am wondering: what will I bring with me unto the new life awaiting for me on the continent?
-A sense of loss, from separating from familiar faces, habits and places
-A greater awareness of myself and what I can do and don't want to do
-An understanding of what my ronatic heart desires, after being broken no less than 4 times in 4 years
-Somehow long nails
-My never ending will to learn new things, even if some people have warned me it would be difficult or even impossible
-My willingness to survive, despite changes around me

London was the first stage of my workforce experience. I have made good friends who will hopefully visit me in Geneva. I've learned so many things with them, especially how impulsive I can be.

I am hoping next month I will find a new home for this soon to be 'not so fairy' godmother, still looking for her wand amidst her boxes...

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