Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Geek and the Freak

Of course, there should be a Beauty involved to make the perfect triangle.

I am talking about the people that wanders in this grey vast dull kingdom which is the office. There are few gossips to entertain the masses, and testosterone-filled jokes, and swearing towards silly customers. Underneath it all is a general laziness and boredom. From time to time though, there is the odd challenging and interesting problem that sparks a bit of interest from everyone.

Apart from that quite depressing work, I finally got myself a flat that would ruin me for the next 3 months at least! But I'm guaranteed easy access to Brick Lane, and not far from where I am at the moment. I won't quite have the sun as bright because the window is facing west, but at least it's a good-sized room.

Fortunately I already have my outfit for the June wedding. I'll just have to buy the plane ticket later on. Next on the agenda is more packing and cleaning, strolling to catch the sun, and maybe a bit of drawing.

It's Labor Day weekend after all, and no work should be done.

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