Friday, April 21, 2006

Queen's 80th birthday

So today is the country's ruler's birthday. Yesterday she was actually within the building I was working in, and saw it on TV, but kind of didn't realize it until someone rang the office to tell us...really, our work is very fascinating.
Enough's a quick shot of what's leading to Buckingham Palace...a full row of those.

On TV, they had a show called 'The great British Menu', where chefs across the country face each other in a cooking competition. Each of them cook a 4 course meal to be served to the 300 or more guests of the Queen for her birthday. In my mind though, except chicken curry or fish and chips, I have no idea what a British menu should be, so it is a very interesting show! Let's face it, it's a good idea to showcase the different ingredients that can be found in this country but that we barely use, for lack of inspiration.

Another sight today was the mounted police force, strolling between Trafalgar Square and Aldwych (no worries, those places will be covered in London 103 or something like that).

Tonight, to celebrate her Majesty, I'm going to see the Premiere of 'La fille mal gardee' at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. Very appropriate, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

LOL LOL ... I liked the way you celebrated the queen's birthday ;-) awesome ...
Other than that, I wanted to mention that you forgot one typical British dessert (at least, that's something all the French guys get to eat when they first go to London -- but maybe that was a conspiracy ;-) ) -- I'm thinking of the colored jelly (blue, red, green) which is served in a small tranparent recipient ... It's always funny to shake it, but it is really not pleasant to eat ;-)

P A N D A ----P----@ said...

La fille mal gardee is a very good ballet. It's different from the other classical ballet in that you don't notice that what they're doing is classical ballet. Each movement flows as way of expressing their feelings. So it looked more like a mime show than a ballet...LOL

Note that this ballet is the one with the famous clog dance of Widow..