Wednesday, February 29, 2012

失敗した (I failed)

I received the JLPT score and was very surprised, not because I didn't pass, but because my score in the different sections were not what I expected.
 The score for language knowledge is tough even if I was expecting something like that. The passing score is 50/60 for that section, so I have a lot of work to do. There is a table indicating the pass score to be 19/60 but still, given the overall pass score at 95/180, I needed at least a 31/60 in that section to pass. The score is language knowledge is detailed in the score for Vocabulary and Grammar, since the only kanji I remember knowing was the character for tears...sniff. I need to have at least a B and score 50% or higher for vocabulary and grammar.

I was expecting a higher score for listening since I thought I understood things about 80%. So now I can correct myself and tell everyone I only understand 56.666667% of things I hear as it seems I misunderstand what I hear. The biggest surprise is the reading score. I know it is a scaled score but it feels strange to have a score of 30/60 when I answered at random, giving up at understanding the questions or the answers. I did try to read the texts to gather what they were about, but that was pretty much what I understood. I cannot even remember the theme anymore since I'm mixing them up with the mock tests I have done.

So in short, I passed Reading and Listening (passing score is 19/60) but I have lots of vocabulary and grammar to catch up...sigh

And now the big debate: shall I register for the July exam or not? And at what level?

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