Sunday, July 09, 2006

'If you can't say something nice....

Don't say nothing at all' (Thumper, in Bambi)

It is the FIFA World Cup final in the world I am living,and I wish all fans good luck..the players, they know what they have to do I ball.

Comfortable afternoon, and I'm struck with grief. Remembering the last time I saw someone that I would never see again. Denying it would just increase the pain next time I'll remember. I was planning a great trip, enjoying and worrying what lied ahead. He was visiting to give out some news about an ailing family member.

Those are not tears of pain but of regrets. I cry for having overlooked that last moment with him. I cry for not being able to comfort his loved ones. I cry because I will not see him again in church, up there among the deacons, his dad and family. And I cry because I needed to cry!

Then I stop and life goes on...very sad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel as I went through the same just a few months earlier - my condolences but remember - he is probably happier where he is now then where he was (if you are religious)....

Yup and life goes on. And then the Italians win the World Cup... and then you wonder "There is something wrong with this world"... Hmmmm.....