Friday, July 14, 2006


If someone asks you to the Proms in London, you might not wear that big prom dress just yet.

If you ever pass by the Royal Albert Hall from today, then you may find hordes of people over 40 nonchalantly sitting on the stairs under the blazing sun, wearing straw hats or with umbrellas, sipping white wine and holding the bottle. It is an odd place to have a picnic or an evening drink. Of course, there will be some tourists as well, hanging in there just in case it becomes wild and a 'happening'. But mostly those are freinds getting together to get entrance to the BBC Proms, which runs from July 14 till September.

In a way, it is a tailgating of some sorts. However, out here the goods are coming from a picnic basket or a Tesco bag (maybe even Mark & Spencer) instead of the back of a pickup truck or a Beamer. They drink wine instead of Miller lite or Bud Lite, and they certainly don't barbecue or have KFC.

I have yet to witness their peculiar behaviour inside the concert Hall, but I have no doubt they are not as rowdy as American football spectators in the arena. Those who didn't get ticket probably listen to the concert from outside anyway, as they are broadcasted live on BBC2 or BBC3.

All this to say I miss the Hokie games and the friends I used to hang out with...sniff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh Philistine! The proms is a great British tradition and you have to try and americanise it (yes that is a 's' and not a 'z')! And to think that you are meant to be French!!!!

Sigh - culture is wasted on you Pandawan.... ;)