Thursday, September 21, 2006

secret life of dot dot dot

One day I met a guy who was almost perfect. By that I mean he's soft spoken, a bit timid, cute, charming and meant what he said. I could relax around him and feel secure. I could be silly and loving without feeling him recoil in his privacy. We shared intimate laughs and silent moments. Time might have stopped in our infinite bliss. But then other events changed its pace. At least for me.
From slow motion embraces and gazing into each other's eyes to frantic smiling and hugging other people. Not only could I feel his head next to my ear, I could also see others entertain him and make stories about him. You may call it jealousy, and I have never been able to share. He became a public person and I could not cope with his public life: the cheers, the laughs, the praises of the crowd. The nameless faces that mentions his life or inquires about him to me. I could have become his spokesperson or his shadow, but I could no longer speak for him as he was no longer mine or was never one with me, and I would not be a shadow.

I much prefer our interaction to stay how it used to be...silent understanding and caring. In other words, telepathic.


Mind you, I love movie stars like Orlando bloom and Wentworth Miller (gasp)...Aquarius woman, I am. Lunatic.


Anonymous said...

Hum, je suis pas sure de qui tu parles la ... I'm beeing very nosey ;-)

Anonymous said...

yeah - spill the beans pandawan!!!!!