Monday, September 25, 2006

Who put the colours in the rainbow?

Can I add someone on my list? Ryan Philippe. Yesssssss.

I joined the very closed circle of sofa slackers...doesn't feel too good though, but it sounds like the first wives' club. Except I don't have a collection of expensive rings or wedding memorabilia to show off. Instead, I have bad memories of break ups. Mind you, after moult discussion, we got it to this point: women do not want to force their men to do anything. We obviously prefer that those men WANT to do what the women want. LOL. Reality bites though as we never want the same thing! A Saturday night well spent.

I finally got to enjoy a quiet weekend. It hasn't happened in a while. Also realized that there is a price to pay in living in an popular area. It wa simpossible to go out and do groceries on Saturday and it was even worse on Sunday, with all the gallery goers. Because the Truman brewery is now such a trendy place to organize shows, there is a show in all galleries every weekend if not every day. This weekend, there were various exhibitions part of the London Design Expo. It is very interesting, especially the [Re]-Design section where artists recycle many things in totally awesome useable art: like the lamps made from milk bottles, or sofas made of cardboard, or old manuals transformed into bookshelves! There were also 2 routemaster buses in the outdoor parking lot instead of the sandy ebach (sniff)...It's always so exciting to see the staff setup the next expo, but it's such a drag to navigate the crowd sometimes.

I dreamt of MK last night, and since I still haven't heard from him, I just hope he's alright and kept me in the corner of his mind, somewhere between some musical notes, swing dancing, and rocket science.


Anonymous said...

Hummmm MK ... lol lol ... Well I like your first paragraph, because we discussed the same topic (our terrible list of break-ups -- actually, rather mine which was a lot longer) last monday evening with my neighbor. She had invited me for dinner as well as a gay friend of her and another guy who went to sleep quite early. Anyway, we had a great time telling bad things about men -- again -- lol !

Anonymous said...

Hmmm we are not all bad - women can be evil and toy with your heart before running off for a better offer. God made them to try our patience. Why can't they just stay in the kitchen and bedroom? Oh gosh I'm running for the bunker.... =)