Saturday, September 02, 2006

Cars and disco

Ahh.. so am actually enjoying this 'Top Gear' show on TV..I can only watch it from time to time. My knowledge of car is still very inexistent: 4 wheels, seats, steering wheel, stick shift...really, the rest is if it looks cute or not...those guys go on and on about the model V50K or ZER-O serie (hahahaha)...ah well, let me be girly.

It is september already so I'll get more depressed each day again until next spring...I need to get out serious! But before I can get into the skimpy outfit and show some meat (arghh) I need to face up to the daunting challenge of running the 10Km (yeah yeah, it haunts me...why did I even sign up?)

Until then, I have laundry to do, room to sweep, data to backup, and most frightening, I need to live for 7 days without my dear cocovanille (I can't let go).

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