Monday, December 11, 2006

Electra scissorhands

First off, the link to the song posted before. I have no idea why the cat meows in the song, but it must be some inside joke between the songwriters:)

And now for Electra....
She chose it because it means The Truth, Light, and anything blinding. She was meant to take advantage of free tickets for a great party and ended up spendin the evening beating me at Ligretto, then Mikado (I only won at dominoes and dodo:)

She was the more depressed as she tore off her pyjama to make up a stylish t-shirt with open back...LOL. So anyone who would be kind to her, please get her new PJs, preferably ones that she can rip off.

Note that similar ripped off tees are available on Brick Lane at a price no lower than £15...I wont leave her with my PJs.



good motion picture

P A N D A ----P----@ said...

Ahh, a new visitor. Welcome!