Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lost in fantasy

I forgot to metion that on Halloween day, a group of very excited people worked their back off to dig holes in the park and plant palm trees. But I suppose back then the weather was clear and warmish and din't remind them at all that it was autumn. As if in some part of their collective brain were bent to force the winter season to never touch this blessed island. Well, tough luck! Winter has now come to claim its hold, and I wonder what the palm trees' spirits would think in the 3C and -1C temperature.

Lately though, I felt that parallel worlds were more visible. Is it because of the magic of Christmas or the fact that the cold weather gives brain freeze and only the few sensitive cells to be working? After all, how do you differentiate a delirium with a legitimate out of this world vision?

In my case, it seems that all around me, fatanstic worlds are appearing and coexisting with this so called physical world. Reading Terry Pratchett's books populates my mind with wizards, giant turtles and clueless tourists in a world of almost believable dragons, octarine color and time travelling. My friend Zabador is being lured down the vortex of WOW (sniff, the World Of Warcraft is so big we cannot just ignore its impact on our lives). And I cannot make out what I really want for myself as a career or partnership.

It is only momentarily comforting to wrap oneself in the coziness of this end of year season, as the aftermath of the festivities is looming over our head, with grim work boredom, short dayligh, and emotional pain.

But as I close my eyes and see the sparkling and exciting worlds that could be, and the things that can or could have happen, I file the depressing physical world behind my image of Wentworth Miller, and will deal with it soon enough in time. Let me believe that people are good and kind, and that my loved ones are safe and happy as well.

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