Tuesday, February 20, 2007

When time flies

When I am sleepy and wait for the time when I get to bed, time takes its time and rolls ever so slowly. It makes my head hurt and my eyelids feel like a flatpacked wardrobe. I have been awake before dawn and the dayis dragging its feet to completion.

I was feeling better earlier though, having spent some quality time chatting away and having a stroll on my favourite Queen's walk with an old friend visiting from the land of marmots, snow storm and Cirque du Soleil (ie Montreal). He was only in town for a few hours, which felt like seconds.

Yes, it is the standard picture I take of my friends when they visit London: on the millenium bridge with St Paul in the background.

After a very long day then, I come home to see my bunch of cherry blossoms blooming prettily with its delicate touch of pink. Puts the life back in me.


Ateee said...

aaah yaaaay! :) :D

Anonymous said...

Mais pourquoi il est pas reste plus longtemps Ramy ? Tu sais, ca fait des mois (annees en fait) que je promets a Chadi d'aller le voir a Montreal. On devrait se faire aussi se voyage en commun, toi squatter chez R. et moi chez C. Ca serait rigolo :-) Me demande pas pour le timing par contre ! lol

Et elles sont super belles tes fleurs. Ca me fait deprimer car la deco de mon appart est a chier. Ce soir, je vais chez Ikea et quand je reviens, je vire les trucs hideux de mes collocs (qui ne viennent toujours pas chercher leurs affaires ! grrr ...) Apres, j'oserai mettre des photos online :D