Monday, March 12, 2007

Who are you?

It must be very strange to not remember things. I do it already but I usually forget events...Yesterday however, my grandmother asked me who I was. LOL. I don't blame her from bloking me from her consciousness though, I've been a bit of a troublesome lady to live with. But it was quite funny to find out she doesn't know who I am and that I finished school...Instead she said she remember my sister she hasn't seen in 5 years. Some shortcircuits going in there...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is only strange for the people who actually remember ! When my oncle almost died, he lost part of his brain. He had forgotten me and my other cousins of the same age. But he remembered the children of my cousins and thought they were the children of my aunts and oncles ... How weird !