Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hampton court

-I heard this was the residence of Henri VII (correction, Henri VIII...typo)
-Well at least he could escape by boat
-And what's up with the trees?
-Hormone inbalance
-Do you see that hottie over there?
-Nah you have the zoom...


Anonymous said...

huh ?

Anonymous said...

Henry VIII - the rest of it - well what what zabador said!!!

P A N D A ----P----@ said...

It was a nice day, nice tri. Weatehr was pleasant. And I was feeling lazy brainwise..:)
Those two cows just happened to block the view

Anonymous said...

J'ai rien compris, tu peux traduire ?? C'est quoi hottie ??

P A N D A ----P----@ said...

Pour Eveine:)
-j'ai entendu dire que c'etait la residence de Henri VII
-ah, et qu'est ce qui se passe avec ces arbres?
-desequilibre hormonal
-tu as vu le mec canon la bas?
-bah non c'est toi qui a le zoom...

en gros c'etait une super journee tranquille au bord d l'eau dans un cadre plutot apaisant. RIen de bien intellectuel a faire ...

Anonymous said...

Was it Henri VII or Henri VIII ? :-)

And you forgot to translate the boat thing:
- bah au moins il pouvait s'echapper par bateau
Sauf que nous, on voit pas l'eau en fait :-)

Bon pis hottie, ca fait pas tres male ... moi je cherchais la nana canon ... Maintenant, je pige mieux les deux derniers dialogues !! lol lol ... But next time, use "hot guy" damn it ! And also, next time, put the hot guy in the picture instead of the two cows ! lol lol

Anonymous said...

Uhm - no Bulls please - stick with cows (although the two in the picture aren't particularly special). We need more special cows!!!!