Thursday, May 10, 2007

Not in Black and White

There seem to be elections everywhere. The thing is, I now realize people never really have a good choice. Or maybe there are good candidate with genuinely good programmes, but people do not vote for them for the good reasons.
For example, Elektra did vote a socialist candidate not because she thinks it will improve society in general, but because she wants to be able to get money without working too hard, just some tax free income here and there in addition to the governmental subsidies. And that is coming from a woman with a degree in English, loads of time to spare, and no dependent.
I am not naive enough to think people vote for the sake of others. But I dislike the idea that they try to justify their motives with the needs of the society in general! It really disturbs me that so many people worked so hard, sacrificed so much to achieve these concessions, and basically they are being abused of by very lazy people like Elektra. It also takes away the government aid from the actual people in need, without resource and stuck in a situation.
And I am afraid that level of hypocrisy eventually will bring down all the social aid fought for till this day.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Last week in France, I voted for the one of the two candidates I thought would be better for the state, the society in general, people as a whole. I had a fight with a friend of mine who decided to vote socialist, although he himself said this candidate was stupid, had no idea (imo, it's worse than having bad ones !), and the few things she suggested were just crazy and encouraging lazy people. So I asked my friend why he wanted to vote for her even if he despised her ? And he answered me it was because it was better for HIM (more aids, more money ...) ...

Anonymous said...

Btw, I like your new banner ...