Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Selected 'listens'

Forget magazines and books these days (apart for the selected pageturners). I am all into podcasts. There are all sorts of them, and I am quite addicted to these ones.
-For the anime freak in me, there is Track Shun, who gives a preview and review of the upcoming anime that are or will flood the US market.
-Although I am not a big fan of history, The History Network podcast is really concise, and the narrator's voice doesn't make me as drowsy as you'd expect. If you don't want to go see the movie 300 but wants to know a good narrative account in 10min, this is the place to do so. Just scroll down at the bottom of the page for the Battle of Thermopylae.
-There are also the classical music ones such as WGBH Classical from Boston public radio, and the COGE from Paris.
-For a more festive or bouncy music there is the Ritmo Latino broadcasting from Micronesia.
-And how about a lazy day in watching cartoons? Yup, there are public domain cartoons out there, with awesome vintage cartoons. I was suprised to see how many of them were propaganda used to brainwash the viewers...

Many magazines and radio stations also have podcasts...the era of 'on demand' indeed!

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