Wednesday, May 02, 2007

There is nothing I cannot do

-For breakfast at 04:00 today i had a bucket of mandarine and pineaple and a banana and a camomille tea instead of the cholesterol packed english breakfast....I feel good. Go Me! Also I did the American ballet Theatre workout, CD2 for 2 days in a row. I can feel pain in places i didn't know existed. Watch out Shaolin monks workout, here I come!
-I grew some fingernails...not just as an accessible snack, but also as an accessory and to splash out more colours this summer.
-I downloaded Microsoft server 2003 (either am a geek or I miss my college years when I used to install stuff that keep crahsing)

There are still things I need to do though, like
- losing at least a whole leg and a full stomach (top priority) as I found out the 10km run will be in October sometime,
- eat less (hmmm maybe not this week, am having a heavy thursday)
- learn how to drive with a stick shift in my left hand (yikes, I got my permit to take the permit though)
- save money for my expensive vacations (I need a raise, and a rich generous boyfriend)


P A N D A ----P----@ said...

Sigh and sights
'the road to success is...under repair'

Anonymous said...

Rather go for a raise ... the rich bf never last very long ...