Sunday, May 31, 2009

Back to the west

This morning I had a mild scare as my credit card was rejected by the Narita Express ticket machine. Fortunately, the guy at the gate convinced me to walk for 3min to the human ticket officer and pay there. I still had time but got really worried (for monetary reason only) to be stuck in Japan.
At the airport, I had 13kg extra, and they gave me the 3kg gratis. I am sure I am bringing back useless souvenirs but it felt good getting them. Most importantly it will be fun to jog my memory and figure out from where each trinket was from, and for whom.
Compared to the outgoing aircraft (airbus or boeing 777) the incoming flight was in an old airbus 390 where the entertainment was basic.
The first shock in Paris was the fact noone knew how to queue properly, and I already miss Japan. LOL.
The second shock is the lack of people. The density is like this morning 6h15am in Shibuya. It seems so far now...a dream, if not for the 2 suitcases I will have to drag in the tube and back home!


ap said...

13Kg!!! Angie!!! Faudra que tu montres tout ça. On se fait un skype bientôt :) Tu as l'air d'avoir tellement profité de ton voyage... te lire on t'inaginais bien y rester... y vivre quoi!
Je comprends que le retour soit un peu hard.
On se catch bientôt!

SolofoRahary said...

Coucou la grand. Welcome back.. les 2 cartes postales envoyées le 17 mai sont arrivées le 28 mai.. Bisou

Zabador said...

Tadaaa, 13Kg seulement, c'est bien ! lol Et evidemment, comparer Paris a Tokyo, c'est sur que ca va paraitre desordonne ... J'espere que le retour est pas trop dur ! En tous cas, t'as l'air d'avoir bien profite !!