Thursday, May 21, 2009


Here are a few things I realized after almost 2 weeks or so in Japan:
-fruits here are expensive so bring your fiber or vitamin suplements. Apparently though they are discounted in the evening.
-everything and everyone seem specialized, or I am watching too much tv. Everything is perfected, but in the intimacy of people's home where things are more relaxed. Or am I just anxious to blend in?
-sometimes, the same people are on tv for 3 or 4 tv shows in a row. Same for dramas. I don't mind kimutaku though...hehe. Speaking of Kimutaku, he is back with a new drama: mr brain, starting saturday night.
-it is easy to navigate Tokyo, but not so mich outside Tokyo as signs are also in english. Although central Kyoto is ok since it is a grid.
-don't expect to bring posters home. So far apart from ikemen in magazine, I could not find any. Maybe in museums?
-expect to wake up early.
-pasmo is super convenient in Tokyo
-carry a sweater at all times are AC is everywhere:30C outside, but 20C in trains and buildings.
-don't rely on the pictures of food packages. Instead ask what is the flavour or what is inside if you can't read katakana or the kanji. hiragana will help a bit.

1 comment:

Zabador said...

C koi pasmo ?